// *********************************************************************************************************************************
// fm_generate_field_constants.php
// Outputs define() statements for the database info, layout name, field names, and table occurence(s) on a layout.
// v2 July 29th, 2014 Mark DeNyse, Driftwood Interactive, Inc. mark@driftwoodinterative.com
// v1 <in the past> <unknown author>
// *********************************************************************************************************************************
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT);
// *********************************************************************************************************************************
// fmGenerateFieldConstants
// Get the fields on a layout (along with any portals) as a series of PHP define() statements.
// This is useful when you are first creating the field constants for a new layout you're working with.
// This function is based on some earlier code I came across years ago. Unfortunately I don't remember
// who it was from. If you know please contact me and I'll note their original contribution!
// Mark DeNyse, Driftwood Interactive, Inc. mark@driftwoodinterative.com
// *********************************************************************************************************************************
function fmGenerateFieldConstants($dataBase, $hostName, $userName, $password, $layoutName, $tableName = '')
// Tweak these values as per your personal/business preference
$fieldPrefix = 'FM_';
$fieldSuffix = '_FIELD';
$keyValueSeparator = " "; // Some people like tabs "\t"
$newLine = "\n";
// If anyone can find a way to programmatically determine the base table name from a layout please let me know!
// In the meantime, we pass in our name or leave it blank and use the layout name as our 'table' name.
$tableName = (($tableName != '') ? $tableName : $layoutName);
$fm = new FileMaker($dataBase, $hostName, $userName, $password);
$layoutObject = $fm->getLayout($layoutName);
if (FileMaker::IsError($layoutObject)) {
$php = 'Error - layout not found. Error code = '. $layoutObject->getCode() .' '. $layoutObject->getMessage() .'.';
else {
$php = "<"."?"."php". $newLine;
$php .= $newLine;
$php .= "// Database definition". $newLine;
$php .= "define('FM_". strtoupper(str_replace(array(':', '.'), '_', $hostName)) ."_HOST',". $keyValueSeparator. "'". $hostName ."');". $newLine;
$php .= "define('FM_". strtoupper(str_replace(array(':', '.'), '_', $hostName)) ."_DATABASE',". $keyValueSeparator. "'". $dataBase ."');". $newLine;
$php .= "define('FM_". strtoupper($dataBase) ."_USERNAME',". $keyValueSeparator. "'". $userName ."');". $newLine;
$php .= "define('FM_". strtoupper($dataBase) ."_PASSWORD',". $keyValueSeparator. "'". $password ."');". $newLine;
$php .= $newLine;
$php .= "// '". $layoutName ."' Layout". $newLine;
$php .= "define('FM_". strtoupper($layoutName) ."_LAYOUT',". $keyValueSeparator. "'". $layoutName ."');". $newLine;
$php .= $newLine;
$php .= "// '". (($tableName != '') ? $tableName : $layoutName) ."' Table". $newLine;
// First dump out the fields on the layout
$fieldObjects = $layoutObject->getFields();
foreach ($fieldObjects as $fieldObject) {
$fieldName = $fieldObject->getName();
$php .= "define('". $fieldPrefix . strtoupper((($tableName != '') ? $tableName .'__' : '') . str_replace(array('::', '.', ' '), '_', $fieldName)) . $fieldSuffix ."',". $keyValueSeparator. "'". $fieldName ."');". $newLine;
// Now do any portals. A constant for the table occurence name is also generated.
$relatedSets = $layoutObject->getRelatedSets();
if (! FileMaker::IsError($relatedSets)) {
foreach($relatedSets as $relatedSet) {
$php .= $newLine;
$relatedSetName = $relatedSet->getName();
$php .= "// '". $relatedSetName ."' Table Occurrence". $newLine;
$toStripped = str_replace(array(':', '.', ' '), '_', $relatedSetName);
$php .= "define('FM_TO_". $toStripped ."',". $keyValueSeparator. "'". $relatedSetName ."');". $newLine;
$php .= $newLine;
$fieldNames = $relatedSet->listFields();
foreach($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
$fieldName = str_replace($relatedSetName .'::', '', $fieldName); // Strip off related set name and ::
$php .= "define('". $fieldPrefix. $toStripped .'_'. str_replace(array('.', ' '), '_', $fieldName) . $fieldSuffix ."',". $keyValueSeparator. "'". $fieldName ."');". $newLine;
$php .= $newLine;
$php .= "?".">". $newLine;
return $php;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>FileMaker PHP Database Definitions File Generator</title>
<?php echo highlight_string($php, true); ?>